Surface Latter

By: Alejandro Montoya

Surface latter is meant to maximize the use of small spaces. Small latter is design to create a work space in small compact homes and any spaces that require stairs or letters to get to an elevated level. By utilizing metal wire as the main structural element, this latter is able to transform into a work station. A latter that aids the functionality of a space. Thinking about how the transition from work to remote work from home and how this tackles the ability to comfortable work from home without wasting space designating a specific work area. 

Top Step System

The top stair in the system, is functions like a blind system that allows the metal wire to contract.

The internal components of the blind system allow the wire to connect and roll inside the top step.

Rope Wire Clamps

The rope wire clamps are located on the bottom step. This allows the entire stairs to be connected and work together as one.

From a latter to a work station.

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