Transformable cabinet staircase | Chang Cao

This stair is designed with a set of boxes in the shape of a quarter circle. Every four continues boxes consist a single unit. The curvy edges allow the boxes to rotate base on their axis rods. In quarter position, users can open the inner layers to store something inside. When it rotates to half position, the boxes can not be opened anymore, instead users can pull the back supporter columns to expand it into a staircase. A parallel scissor structure is connected with all the columns to ensure the expansion can happen at the same time. Each column is controlling the first box in every group, the expansion can bring the following boxes one by one with a rod installment in between each two boxes. Take the advantage of altitude difference between each step on the same side is twice than usual, users can make the stair as a resting area.


  1. Positive: 1. The gif and mechanical structure look really nice and clear. 2. The process of explode view is easy to understand. 3. Multifunctionality shows really clear in these images.
    Negative: 1. Some detail components need explanation or texts. 2. Some images need to be bigger.


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